Constitutional Law

CJ/PL 309 Syllabus

Bell Tower

Course Description and Prerequisites

Criminal Law CJ/PL 309 001       

Credits:  3

FA 21

Course Description:  

This course covers the major provisions of the U.S Constitution emphasizing those relating to criminal law.  It will analyze the following:  the role of the courts in interpreting the Constitution; the role of the legislature in making laws; and the role of the executive in implementing laws.  The course will also explore the meaning of federalism and the doctrine of the separation of powers and the role of the courts in serving as the guardian of the Constitutional rights and liberties of the individual citizen.

Prerequisites:  None

Instructor Information

John R. Michaud                                                        

222 HAH


Office Hours:

MWF 8:00-9:00 AM

MW   2:00-3:00 PM

TR     10:00-11:00 AM

TR     12:30-1:30 PM

And by Appointment

Textbook & Required Materials

Harr, Hess, & Orthman, Constitutional Law and the Criminal Justice System 7th Edition, Wadsworth, ISBN:978-1-96646-5

Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course:

  1. Students will identify and analyze the historical circumstances and events leading to the birth of the Constitution and background factors that influenced the drafters.
  2. Students will critically discuss the meaning of separation of powers and co-equal branches of government.
  3. Students will identify and analyze the authority, functions, and powers of each of the branches of government
  4. Students will articulate the protection the Constitution affords to individuals.
  5. Students will demonstrate improved oral and written presentation skills


Evaluation and Grading

  • Case Briefs: 10%
  • Quizzes (3): 60%
  • Writing Assignment: 20%
  • Class Participation: 10%

Zoom Proctoring

In the event that faculty utilize remote proctoring as a tool to monitor the use of remote exams, proctoring via Zoom is an option. 

  • A laptop capable of supporting Canvas, Examplify, and Zoom
  • A second device that is capable of supporting both video and audio Zoom meetings for remote proctoring
  • Suitable Internet connection to facilitate and sustain video and audio Zoom meetings


Canvas Information

Canvas is the where course content, grades, and communication will reside for this course.

Grading Rubrics

Please include all of the rubrics that you plan on using in this course – be sure that all of the rubric dimensions (lines in a rubric) are aligned to your intended outcomes or indicators.

Class Policies

All relevant Husson University policies can be found in the “University Policies” link in Canvas, or here

Tentative Schedule of Assignments

The instructor has the authority to modify the syllabus based on (her/his) determination that such changes would better meet the learning objectives of the course.  It is the responsibility of the student to maintain awareness of those modifications and note them as necessary.  The instructor also has full discretion to determine the extent to which (if at all) technology will be used and/or available within the classroom.  Such determination could be based on technology as a learning tool or simply to minimize distractions among students.   PLEASE CHECK CANVAS FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ANY CHANGES THAT MIGHT OCCUR.





Readings / required viewings / tasks completed before class


Active Learning Activities

30 Aug



Chapter 1 / Declaration of Independence

Historical Overview

Lecture / Discussion

6 Sept


1, 2, 3,4

Chapters 2 & 3


U. S. Legal System and the Supreme Court

Lecture / Discussion / Case Briefs

13 Sept


1, 5, 6


Chapter 4


Equal Protection

Lecture / Discussion / Case Briefs/

20 Sept




Review Chapters 1-4 Quiz


Lecture / Discussion /  Quiz

27 Sept



Chapter 5

First Amendment

Lecture / Discussion

4 Oct



Chapter 6

Second Amendment

Lecture / Discussion / Case Briefs

Heller v District of Columbia

McDonald v Chicago

11 Oct


1, 4, 5

Chapter 7

No classes MT

Fourth Amendment

Lecture / Discussion / Case Briefs

18 Oct



Review Chapter 5-7 Quiz


Lecture / Discussion / Quiz

25 Oct



Chapter 8 & 9

Constitutional Seizures Constitutional Searches

Lecture / Discussion /Case Briefs

1 Nov


1, 3, 8

Chapter 10

Fifth Amendment

Lecture / Discussion / Case Briefs

8 Nov


1, 2, 3, 4

Review Chapters 8-10     Quiz


Lecture / Discussion / Quiz

15 Nov



Chapters 11/12

Sixth Amendment

Lecture/Discussion/Case Briefs

22 Nov


1, 3, 4, 5

Chapter 13

No classes WRF

Eighth Amendment

Lecture / Discussion / Case Briefs

No Classes Thursday and Friday

29 Nov



Remaining Amendments Review Chapters 11-13 


Lecture / Discussion


6 Dec



Quiz 11-13

Final Quiz


13 Dec


Finals Week






Course Summary:

Date Details Due